Green Waste
Green Waste
We accept green waste. Large and small quantities of green waste can be dropped to us at 4 Parkhouse Rd, Sockburn (access our weighbridge via Hayton Road entrance) for a competitive disposal fee based on weight. The minimum charge for green waste is $10.50 (up to 100kg), or $105 per tonne. Enquire about trade pricing.
✅ What We Accept:
- Branches
- Fresh garden matter
- Lawn clippings
- Leaves
- Rose prunings
- Shrub and hedge trimmings
🚫 What We Don’t Accept:
- Flax and flax flower stalks
- Bamboo
- Cabbage tree leaves
- Toi Toi
- Palm fronds
- Gorse or broom in seed
- Soil or roots heavily covered in soil
- Stones, plastics, glass, or metal objects
- Twine, string, or animal manure
- Oxalis, tussock grass
- Branches and stumps larger than 10cm in diameter
Dispose of your green waste responsibly and keep your garden looking its best! 🌿 Let’s work together for a cleaner, greener community.
👉 Have questions or need more info? Give us a call or visit us today!